Collection: Wealth

Money is forever a complicated matter and can often add to the weight of us feeling unworthy. The truth is, we all have our own unique relationship with money and there is usually a ton of emotions sewn into the seams. We can feel like we have too much, not enough, we may feel guilty for wanting more, we may spend too freely or hold too tight. Whatever your personal relationship with money is, odds are there is always some sort of wound to be healed and this is where money stones can help. Crystals that work with good fortune aren’t just about bringing more coinage to your account but can also be about curating our own sense of true prosperity and sitting comfortably in our authentic version of abundance. Here are crystals to help you with wealth:

  • Citrine
    • For those who tend to see money and wealth as a negative energy source, the merchant’s stone of the Citrine crystal is here to flip that narrative on its head. Sunny and bright, the golden glow of Citrine is all about powerful positive energy and unblocking the solar plexus chakra. When we tap into our own sense of potent power, when we clear out those confidence blockages that are holding us back, and when we approach life with a rich and evocative can-do attitude, we can start to shine.
  • Pyrite
    • The gold road is a long road but the good luck power of Pyrite will get you there. One glance at this glittering gem soaked in positivity and you know exactly how it has earned the name of Fools Gold. But there is nothing foolish about Pyrite. This stone has been known to clear out any previous associations you have with feeling stuck when it comes to money and can also help you tune in to your own dynamic energy. Clear minded and without those pesky impoverished feelings holding you back, there is so much to be achieved.
  • Green Jade
    • There’s a reason that the cool-headed clarity of Green Jade is considered one of the most important good luck stones in the world. Green Jade is always a joy and has long been used in Chinese history and medicine as a way of attracting wealth. Just like the glow of the green emerald, Green Jade holds its own when it comes to regality. It also has a softer vibration which helps keep you calm no matter what money woes could be at work. It’s ability to soothe means that you don’t make rash decisions and its lucky fortune is awesome for attracting good luck and a deeper sense of everlasting wealth.
  • Green Aventurine
    • Aventurine is also rich in abundance energy and it’s powers extend beyond the borders of financial gain. For those who want more in their life; whether it be more love, more freedom, more time, more confidence, or more spiritual healing – Green Aventurine is sure to have your back. This heart healing crystal is awesome at tuning in to the real wishes of our soul and sends that intention out into the wider world. When we raise our own vibrations and connect with those deep desires, we place ourselves in a space that makes it easy to receive.
  • Tiger's Eye
    • While wishes and manifesting magic is an awesome way of inviting abundance into your life, it’s also important to stay grounded, focused, and protected during this journey. This is where the glimmer of Tiger’s Eye comes in. Warm and ripe in energy, the Tiger’s Eye knows when to prowl, when to rest, and when to act. It’s a great stone at connecting with your deepest intuition and also brings earthly rich roots that can dig down deep and hold you in stability. For the law of attraction to work, we can’t be all over the place with our thoughts and scattered emotion, we need to be clear, present, and grounded. This is exactly the type of mindset that Tiger’s Eye can nurture.
  • Clear Quartz
    • A clear-headed stone that will help you assess and reconstruct the idea of worth. There can be so much taking up space both in a physical sense but also emotionally. Consider Clear Quartz to be the spring clean that is needed to make some room for true wealth. By using Clear Quartz with its radiant amplifying energy, you can set that intention in beautiful shining stone. Use this piece of perfect quartz crystal to cut through the noise and get straight to the heart of what you want. When intention rings out pure and clear, it makes it so much easier for the universe to listen.
  • Amazonite
    • Soft in shades of green and blue, Amazonite is a gorgeous stone for inviting flow and inspiration into your world. For those who hold resistance to change in their hearts, it can be a challenge to shift into a new paradigm or to switch your mindset. This is exactly where Amazonite can lend a hand. This stone is like a truth telling serum applied to the heart, it helps you to latch onto exactly what it is you want to say and to channel that message out into the ether of the universe.
  • Malachite
    • For those who crave more courage when it comes to money matters, Malachite can magically transform and heal your whole attitude. Dealing with money matters and the idea that drives wealth can be hugely consuming but Malachite grants you that commitment to self and that inner strength you need to drive forward. Any fears and doubts you are holding on to, Malachite invites you to simply let go. It helps you to put down your baggage so you have free hands to pick up all that you desire.
  • Lapis Lazuli
    • Beautiful in blue and speckled with flecks of gold, there’s something intrinsically wealthy about the wonder of Lapis Lazuli. In Feng Shui, Lapis is said to be a glorious stone for welcoming abundance and prosperity into the home at the same time as providing a protective environment too. Those on the path to having more may find that they need a clear-headed approach, the ability to problem solve, and the strength of character to let go of that which does not serve them.
  • Peridot
    • Glimmering in green, Peridot is another stone of sublime abundance. Many of the green stones are associated with ideas of plenty, and as Peridot is one of the brighter shades of glistening greens it also whispers about the wonder of associating wealth with joy and energy. Peridot is also a heart chakra energy stone which is all about clearing out blocks and finding emotional strength both of which open you up to channeling your own energy in whatever much-needed direction will serve you well.