Collection: Spiritual & Balancing

Shadow and light, high and low, yin and yang, root and crown – balance is everything in life and can have a huge impact on your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Being out of balance can be super jarring and can cause us to trip up and feel unsteady as we move through life. Without balance, we can feel lost or pulled in a thousand different directions and we may struggle with decision making, healthy emotional flow, and in our sense of communication and connection, both with ourselves and the wider world. Here are some crystals to help us balance it out:

  • Tiger's Eye
    • Tigers Eye is a strong stone of balance. It helps us to marry our physical wellbeing with our spiritual leaping. It does this by strengthening our core center and bringing weaving together all those wild tangents and threads to create harmony in the body and mind.
  • Clear Quartz
    • The master healer and ultimate amplifier, Clear Quartz brings clarity and focus and helps to put all the chakras in balance.
  • Fluorite
    • Fluorite can bring structure and stability back to your life and will do this along with serving up a huge dollop of positivity too. This gem cleanses and purifies the body and mind, stabilizes emotions, and makes sure your subconscious is always looped in.
  • Hematite
    •  Hematite is a powerful protector stone and is also called the stone of the mind. Hematite primes our mind to be in tiptop shape and it does this by diffusing negative energy, clearing toxic thoughts, and infusing us with all the willpower and courage we need to carry ourselves through the world.
  • Green Aventurine
    • Green Aventurine is one of those truly comforting stones that helps us to stay soft and serene even when feeling challenged. It’s a heart chakra stone that encourages healing, balance, and emotional calm all while providing protection against those that would try and tap in to drain precious resources.
  • Calcite
    • These gems are all about emotional balance. Black Calcite can help you most past depressive moods, Blue Calcite soothes anxious thoughts, Orange Calcite is a dose of courage, Pink Calcite encourages forgiveness, and Red Calcite brings better understanding.
  • Selenite
    • High vibrations hit the mark with the Selenite stone. This clear-headed gem is a joy – filling any space (physical or spiritual) with purity and power. Instantly removing staleness and blockages, Selenite spring cleans our soul so we can make space for the things that matter.
  • Garnet
    •  Release all those pent up emotions that have been weighing you down with the gentle glow of Garnet. A red-blooded stone that taps into those root chakras, this gem is all about releasing burdens and healing in a balanced way.
  • Smoky Quartz
    •  Smoky Quartz is a root chakra stone and getting the root chakra in check is one of the most important ways of building a life around balance. Along with solving any root chakra woes, Smoky Quartz also helps to alleviate stress and anxiety and invites us to see clearly. When we have positive thoughts we can take actions out of a place of wellness for ourselves and make decisions that lift us up.
  • Moss Agate
    •  Moss Agate is as calming as a forest walk on a summers day. This stone exudes hope, patience, quiet serenity, and good vibes. Because of its big connection to nature, Moss Agate puts us back into earthly balance and a glorious sense of grounding. Strong and rooted, Moss Agate nurtures creativity and abundance too.