Collection: Protection & Clearing

Dark and dreamy crystals that cloak you in a cloud of night or positive and bright buzzing crystals that make it impossible for anything but good vibes to thrive, there are many amazing crystals out there that are well equipped to work with your energy field and to soak you in shades of bountiful health and wellness. Empaths truly do need to take care out there and these healing gemstones are just the ticket to keep you slaying in your lane without any negative outside influence. Here are some of the best crystals for protection:

  • Black Tourmaline
    • One of the most powerful protective stones known for sweeping toxic vibes out from a space, Black Tourmaline brings all the good luck to the party. This dark delirious stone transmutes super-strong grounding forces all while cloaking you in a fierce protective veil that no energy vampire would ever dare break through. Not only does Black Tourmaline work on keeping your emotional forcefield protected, but it also prevents you from falling under the negative side effects of EMF’s and boosts your immune system.
  • Citrine
    • Sunny and bright, the pure positive rays of this great crystal are as warming and glorious as the first rays of spring after a long dark winter. Citrine brings endless abundance and crazy high energy. Blinding with its light, there’s not a dark shadow that could ever squeeze through the radiant force field that Citrine puts out. The summer stone works simultaneously with keeping your own spirits riding high thanks to its connection with the sacral and solar plexus chakra, all while spinning negative energy on its head.
  • Black Obsidian
    • This volcanic glass rock is a sword against negative energy. As a super protective stone, Obsidian starts by keeping your body beautifully detoxed and ensuring that all chakra blockages are cleansed and clear so you are fully open and aware. It works in harmony with your third eye to deepen intuition and inner wisdom but also comes with a full flow of grounding forces to keep you tethered and standing strong no matter how hard the wind blows.
  • Fluorite
    • Rainbow bright, the Fluorite stone is here to slay all negative influences. Fluorite is a special stone with one-of-a-kind superpowers. This piece of magic works by cloaking your aura completely so you are off the radar and closed to any kind of darkness or psychic attack. It also works by neutralizing all kinds of negative energy that enters its field, meaning that it literally stops all bad feelings and emotional messes in its tracks. With Fluorite on side, you can be sure of crystal-clear vision and a strong sense of purpose.
  • Lapis Lazuli
    • Rich in grace and soaked in serene shades of the cosmos, Lapis Lazuli flushes out the bad to keep you thriving. This stone is known for healing both the throat and the third eye chakra, granting empaths that inner wisdom to see deep within and to vocalize all their truths. Nicknamed the stone of wisdom, Lapis Lazuli doesn’t allow any breathing room for bad vibes, instead, it ignites old dormant dreams and pushes growth and glory.
  • Smoky Quartz
    • This version of healing quartz comes shot with smoky clouds, mystique, and magic. Ever ready to banish unwanted energies, Smoky Quartz protects the root chakra and keeps you ever in touch with your true and authentic sense of self. When we are able to stand rooted and strong, there is less chance of negative vibes coming to knock us off our feet. Smoky Quartz also works by keeping your aura shrouded in a protective light and clears your own energy at the same time. 
  • Hematite
    • Wave farewell to all flavors of negative thoughts as you bring the healing powers of protective Hematite into your life. For more than three thousand years, Hematite has been working to protect people thanks to its ability to tap into our survival instinct, provide a protective layer against soaking up the energy of others, and ensuring that your confidence levels stay luminous no matter how dark the sky seems to get. Hematite is a dab hand at stopping toxic emotions in their tracks and even keeps your circulation flowing so you can be physically strong too.
  • Kyanite
    • Get ready to tune in and kick out self-doubt with the dutiful wonder of cool and calm Kyanite. Ever the logical thinker, Kyanite comes in the room singing its sweet high vibrations. It keeps the muddied mind clear of anxious feelings, stops you overthinking, and makes sure that you aren’t open and vulnerable to any forms of manipulation. For those who need a little help in holding onto healthy boundaries, Blue Kyanite is your calling card. This stone connects to the throat chakra so it makes sure that you can communicate your needs effectively.
  • Labradorite
    • Another of the magical and mystical stones, Labradorite makes our hearts shine. This precious stone is deep and fascinating and provides a shield of protection over your heart chakra so you can keep it open. Protection doesn’t need to mean shutting down and closing yourself off and with Labradorite onside you never need to worry about anyone taking advantage. It keeps you covered and cloaked even when dealing with the desires and pains of others, meaning that you can be there for those you love without leaving yourself in emotional jeopardy.
  • Selenite
    •  The angelic stone of Selenite is not to be messed with. Sure, it may look like a drop of delicate snow but this gemstone gleams with highly protective powers. Selenite is one of the best spiritual stones out there thanks to its deep relationship with the waxing and waning of the moon. It can be used for all kinds of spiritual guidance, from releasing energy blocks to nurturing psychic visions. It keeps the wearer free from all kinds of emotional and spiritual attacks by throwing up a defense field so tight that not even a pinch of negativity can pass through.