Collection: Calming & Mindfulness

Take a deep breath and let the healing light of these crystals bathe you in feelings of soft serenity. This world can be a challenging place and with rising stress levels and anxiety, it's helpful to make a sanctuary of your own soul. While it may be too much to ask to live every second of our lives in harmony, we can turn up the dial on self-care and find ways of settling into the present moment. When we are connected to the here and now, when we feel grounded, and when we have our monkey mind under control, we are less likely to feel scattered and stuck in our own heads. Crystals for peace can help you to stop and smell the roses. Here are some crystals for calming the mind:

  • Lepidolite
    • hugely stabilizing stone, Lepidolite is here to reduce all stress factors in your life. This lush stone is a dab hand at clearing out imbalances and keeping you strong and steadfast on your feet. While super grounding it also has a spiritual edge meaning that it keeps you living in the light of purpose.
  • Blue Lace Agate
    • Dressed in cool colors, Blue Lace Agate oozes sweet serenity. This form of Agate is known for its connection to the throat chakra, facilitating thoughtful conversation and gentle shades of communication.
  • Citrine
    • Remember those golden days of summer when your skin felt soft and warm, this is exactly the style of serenity and peace that sunny Citrine brings.
  • Amethyst
    • Amethyst is the poster child of crystals for peace. This gentle healing gem is all about calming the mind, calling in your own infinite wisdom, and staying spiritually bound with every step you take.
  • Clear Quartz
    • Clear Quartz is a mega amplifier of all things good. This glorious crystal white gem can take any good feeling and send it out tenfold into the universe. Program this crystal with your best intention and let it banish all kinds of messy conflicts from your mind.
  • Amazonite
    • Nicknamed the hope stone, Amazonite is a talisman of hope, fortune, and calls into power your can-do attitude. This gem is laced with a gentle energetic flow and keeps you moving like the great river from which it takes its name. When we are in flux, we are the rolling stone that gathers no moss and we may find that bad vibes and stress can no longer stick to us.
  • Angelite
    • Connect with the angels and spirit guides by calling the spiritual powers of Angelite into being. This is also a stone connected to the idea of surrender and is a reminder that surrendering isn’t a bad thing but can be a way of calling freedom into being. 
  • Aquamarine
    • Plunge right into less stress and more pleasure with the energetic nature of Aquamarine. This stone brings an instant cooling touch and complete emotional clarity which can help you stay connected to your sense of purpose and to tackle life with the balance of work and play.
  • Fluorite
    • Neutralize negative energy in an instant as you let the light of Rainbow Fluorite shine on you. This radiant rainbow etched gem is a perfect example of clearing out mind clutter, finding clarity, and welcoming brighter feelings to rain down.
  • Larimar
    • Known as the stone of peace, Larimar is a lullaby against dark and hectic thoughts. This gem oozes calm and cool and wants you to stay safe and well through periods of high pressure. Full of earth energy and ethereal vibes, Larimar will balance your upper chakras and make sure you are undisturbed from your sense of peace.